Calibration & Rectification
Machine Vision Calibration & Rectification
Camera Calibration
Essential for correcting lens distortions and mapping 3D to 2D coordinates, involving intrinsic parameters like focal length.
Epipolar Line
Ensures corresponding points between stereo images lie on the same horizontal lines for accurate 3D reconstruction
Stereo Rectification
Aligns images from multiple viewpoints to simplify depth perception, stereo matching, and image registration.
Techniques in Camera Calibration and Image Processing
Intrinsic Parameters
Identifies focal length, optical center, and distortion coefficients to understand camera characteristics.
Image Stitching
Uses image rectification to seamlessly merge images into a seamless panorama, significantly enhancing visual experiences and immersion.
Homography Transformation
Corrects distortions by mapping points between images, essential for precise alignment and stitching.
Extrinsic Parameters
Determines camera position and orientation relative to the world, crucial for spatial understanding.